The Primate of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Henry Ndukuba has said that the CAMA law, rather than destroy the church, will teach it wisdom.
The Church leader told reporters that the law did not just emanate from the desk of the President as it passes through various levels of reading before it was accented.
Ndukuba queried if there were no christian lawmakers in the National Assembly to take a position against it’s implementation saying that now that it has become law there was no need making noise about it.
” That law was not a decree that just flew out of the desk of the President Buhari.It didn’t come out as a military decree.It went through the process of law making.Are there no christians in the National Assembly? Did any of us present any position paper rejecting and objecting and saying it cannot be implemented?” Did we do that?.
” When it went through the readings 1st reading,2nd reading and it is passed what did we do?”
“And now it is signed into law you begin to make noise.It is already a law. Even when Daniel knew that his King had signed a law that was even contrary to him,he did not stop doing what God wanted him to do.
“Today God is looking for men and women who will rise up in faith like Shadrach Meschack and Abednego even when they were thrown into the fire, the fire did not consume them.
The Primate declared that the CAMA law will not consume the church but will guide it through the path of wisdom while urging christians to humble themselves to God as he believed that at the end of the God will be exalted.
” This law will not destroy the church. That is what Iam declaring.It will not destroy the church rather it will teach us wisdom that we may be able to focus on the things that matter to our God.Let us humble ourselves before the mighty hand of God’.And Iam believing God that even in CAMA, God will be exalted. The Church will be blessed.Making noise will not save us because we did not do what we should do.
“, The reason why the law is coming is the lifestyle we have displayed.It demanded that accountability is required of us and if man is demanding accountability,what of God”.he added.